
Welcome to an instruction page of this life log. Here, you will find all explanations and best practices about all the pages in this tool.


Activity Log

Use your activity log do write down all the activities you have ever done.

Use also reflection for activity, which you can find in the “page” section of each activity.

How to decide on engagement level?

Level 1 Apathy (sad, depressed)
Level 2 Anxiety (stressed, alert)
Level 3 Worry (sad, stressed)
Level 4 Boredom (Depressed, engaged)
Level 5 Relaxation (relaxed, engaged)
Level 6 Handle (engagement, confident)
Level 7 Activation (confident, commited)
Level 8 Control (happy, confident)
Level 9 Arousal (alert, focused)
Level 10 Flow (focused, happy)

How to decinde on energy level?

Level 1 Mental or Physical sickness (inability to do anything along with illness)
Level 2 Mental or Physical exhaustion (inability to do anything).
Level 3 Need to sleep/eat/drink.
Level 4 Lack of motivation, mucscle weakness and tendency to withdrawal.
Level 5 Lack of motivation, but mental and physical energy is still available.
Level 6 Motivation, physical energy and motivation available, realizing decline in performance of both.
Level 7 Less awake and less alert (realizing tiredness incoming, but still able to perform difficult mental and physical tasks).
Level 8 Awake, and less alert (having physical energy, but mental performance declining)
Level 9 Awake and Alert (realizing “difficulty” of performed task with slight decline of energy)
Level 10 Awake and Alert (mental and physical energy available and also motivation available).

For describing your emotional state in reflection part, use this page to find out various emotional states


SMART goals are:
